401(k) Match Program | Retirement Advice | Ohio CPA 公司-安全的赌博软件


为什么员工会拒绝免费的钱? Maybe its time you should start 显示ing plan participants the value of saving for retirement - don't just tell them. ——意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件


这里有个问题. … do you know of any employee who would turn down a three-percent raise with no strings attached? Well, believe it or not, it happens more often than you might think. When your employees choose not to participate in your company’s 401(k) match program, 他们实际上是把免费的钱留在桌子上. 这说不通,不是吗? What could possibly compel your employees to walk away from free money? Could it be that they truly don’t understand how much cash they are leaving behind? This article will review the various reasons behind your employee’s decision behind turning down “free” money while providing tips to help you maximize your own retirement plan participation.

Listen to episode 212, “退休危机:如何你的生意 & 员工可以脱颖而出,” on unsuitable on 意图 Radio, 意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件’ award-winning accounting and business consulting 播客.


An employee who chooses not to participate in your company’s retirement plan might be spending more time dwelling on their present affairs and not enough time considering their future financial wellness. This is natural since the car payment, utility bills, and upcoming shopping trip is top-of-mind. 即便如此, many of us in the retirement plan community continue to struggle to understand why anyone would willingly leave hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table in favor of boosting their take-home pay by just a few extra bucks each pay period.


Even employees with the best of intentions end up leaving large amounts of free money on the table – simply by choosing to delay the start of their savings strategy. 不要拒绝免费的钱 & 俄亥俄州注册会计师事务所
Even employees with the best of intentions end up leaving large amounts of free money on the table – simply by choosing to delay the start of their savings strategy.

Company XYZ offers to match 50 percent on the first 6 percent of compensation that the employee contributes to the company-sponsored 401(k) plan. 但是莎莉, 一个30岁的员工,年薪40美元,000, believes that if she were to defer 6 percent of her income to the plan she would no longer be able to afford her current lifestyle.

For many, Sally included, the thought of deferring 6 percent of one’s income can be intimidating. But in reality, 6 percent may not be as much as it seems. In this scenario, 6 percent of Sally’s current salary only comes to about $38 per week. 确定, that extra $38 might come in handy to pay for a few trips to that gourmet coffee shop down the street, 但如果她把它推迟到401(k)账户, 当她65岁退休时她的退休账户, 再加上她的公司的相应贡献, 总共有734美元的结余吗,000.

Keep in mind that this scenario assumes a basic 3 percent salary increase and an average rate of return of 7 percent annually. Individual results may vary depending on your company’s unique plan design.

Even employees with the best of intentions end up leaving large amounts of free money on the table – simply by choosing to delay the start of their savings strategy. If Sally were to finally start deferring 6 percent of her income to the company’s plan 10 years later, 当她40岁的时候, her account balance when she turns 65 could be nearly $400,000 less than if she had started making contributions at age 30.

One of the best ways to encourage your employees to start investing in their future financial wellness is to 显示 他们知道参加计划的好处. 不要只是抛出数字,要展示其影响. This approach will help make the thought of retirement planning reasonable and more tangible. Below are three more ways to educate your employees about the benefits of saving for retirement.


  1. 让他们知道 为员工提供更好的服务, more frequent communication regarding the benefits of participating in your company’s retirement plan program. This includes making sure your employees are aware of how much they are required to contribute to secure the full company match.
  2. 点点滴滴都有帮助 鼓励你的员工从小处做起是可以的. Even a 1 percent contribution of their pay is a step in the right direction. At least they are making the wise choice to put money aside for their retirement. Over time, with your encouragement, they may be more willing to increase this amount.
  3. 年度回顾- Remind your employees about the importance of reviewing their 401(k) accounts (at least) annually to make sure they are aware of any news, updates and changes that may impact their current savings strategy. This annual review will also help them stay on track to securing a comfortable retirement.

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Without a solid communications strategy and a plan to increase your employee’s level of participation, your company may be lagging behind in its efforts to put your employees on the right track to achieve their ideal retirement. Your retirement plan design and administration advisor can help identify what’s holding you back and can provide you with solutions aimed at helping you overcome these obstacles. 通过使用经过验证的通信方法, 教育信息, 以及问责措施, you can take your company’s retirement plan participation rate to the next level. 电子邮件的意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件 and request to speak with a retirement plan expert to get started today.

作者:Angie Isakson, QKA(都柏林)

Looking for more tips and insight to help you maximize retirement plan participation? 看看这些资源:



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