Nonprofit Governance | High Expectations | Ohio CPA 公司 | 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件


High Expectations | Nonprofit Governance | Ohio CPA 公司
When it comes to establishing and maintaining governance for a nonprofit, the board of directors is expected to adhere to high expectations. 继续往下读,了解原因.

If you think your nonprofit organization’s board of directors is held to an incredibly high set of expectations and ethical standards, you’re right – and for good reason. Your organization has been entrusted with the responsibility of being good stewards of donor funds while maintaining policies and procedures that guarantee high-performance standards. That’s no small task; particularly when current events continue to make long-term financial planning next to impossible.

已经, 在英国, nonprofits are beginning to implement governance that directly addresses concerns resulting from a society in constant flux. 中概述的指导方针 Good Governance: A Code For The Voluntary And Community Sector, were written to help promote greater organizational purpose and direction while further emphasizing the roles and responsibilities of nonprofit directors. Perhaps the recommendations found within the document will prove effective for organizations on our side of the pond as well.

Consider how the following governance recommendations could position your nonprofit organization to effectively meet the changing expectations of your donors and other stakeholders while meeting the overarching fiduciary responsibility expected of nonprofit board members.


首先也是最重要的, it’s important to remember that the board of directors is ultimately responsible for the organization’s success. To retain responsibility and oversight of the organization, the board should:

  • Promote prudence while understanding that being risk averse is itself a risk.
  • Regularly assess whether the charity’s work is still relevant in a world that is constantly in a state of change.
  • Identify stringent guidelines with regard to board composition, ethical standards and terms of office.
  • Increase transparency with regard to your organization’s work, results and stakeholder interests.
  • Regularly articulate the steps your board is taking to adhere to strict ethical standards to key stakeholders and other audiences.

此外,最近的一篇文章 克雷恩克利夫兰公司 draws attention to the fiduciary duties by which the organization’s board is expected adhere. The four duties presented – duty of care, 忠诚义务, duty of compliance and duty to maintain accounts – speak to a board’s legal responsibilities – an important consideration, 鉴于“大多数……, 如果不是全部, successful lawsuits against an individual nonprofit director involve allegations that the director breached one or more of the director’s fiduciary duties.”

To meet their fiduciary responsibility, board members must:

  • Be active participants in the board’s activities, ask questions and make informed decisions.
  • Always put the organization’s interests above their own and understanding how and when to disclose and address situations where there might be a conflict of interest.
  • Understand and follow the law and the organization’s governing documents.
  • Work to develop and follow policies and procedures that govern the organization’s affairs, develop annual budgets and maintain accurate financial records.

Protect Your Organization With Good Governance

In addition to working with a team of trusted advisors and regularly reviewing and updating the organization’s compliance with its legal obligations, the board should ensure that the policies and procedures that govern the organization are in place and adhered to – especially those pertaining to the orientation and regular training of board members. And where paid staff are concerned, the board should take care to ensure that the organization’s employment practices are thorough and up to date and that all employment decisions are documented to avoid any potential legal ramifications. 最后, while excellent policies and procedures are the cornerstone of your nonprofit’s system of governance, the board should consider purchasing general liability insurance and directors and officers (D&O)  liability insurance for added protection.

电子邮件的意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件 to learn more about nonprofit governance and to find out if your board is currently meeting its fiduciary responsibility or check out the articles listed below for additional insight.

By Maribeth Wright, CPA (Retired))

Check out these articles for additional insight for your nonprofit organization:

Does Your Nonprofit Need A Policy Tune-Up?

Your Form 990 Is More Than IRS Compliance