减税和就业法案|赢 & 损失记分卡| 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件



税制改革|胜利 & 损失|俄亥俄会计师事务所
春训即将来临, get out your scorecard and see if you can identify the winners and losers under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Over the last 40 plus years, I’ve seen many “tax reforms.有些相当直截了当, others made only minor modifications to the tax law and a handful were complicated and needed a lot of time to digest. As for this recent tax reform initiative, it’s certainly more complex. Actually, it’s reminiscent of the tax reform of 1986.

今天税改的深远影响, 也被称为减税和就业法案(TCJA), 会影响所有纳税人(个人)吗, 信托基金, 地产, 企业, 非营利组织和所有行业. 12月11日签署成为法律. 22, 2017, 解释, discussions and requests for clarification with regard to the TCJA have been ongoing.

This article will highlight the many business reforms in the TCJA and the impact these changes will have on small- and medium-sized business entities.

第一个, it’s important to note that most of these changes are effective for tax years beginning after Dec. 31, 2017. Direct communication with your tax advisor is important to determine the impact on you and your business.

春训即将来临, get out your scorecard and see if you can identify the winners and losers under the TCJA.


  • C公司现在有21%的统一税率. 根据先前的法律, these corporations had increasing tax rates ranging from 15-35 percent with a higher flat tax rate for personal service corporations. 这是一个 赢得 for corporations that were in the 25 percent and higher tax brackets.
  • 公司替代性最低税被取消. 根据先前的法律, the AMT rate was 20 percent imposed on certain corporations. 例外情况确实存在. 这是一个 赢得 for corporations that were previously exposed to the AMT.
  • There is a new 20 percent deduction for pass-through qualified business income from sole proprietorships, 出租房地产, 合作伙伴关系, 有限责任公司和S型公司. The calculation is complicated since it is subject to exclusions and thresholds. Once calculated, this deduction will be valuable for owners of pass-through entities. This deduction reduces adjusted gross income and is available to individuals, 地产 and 信托基金. 以前, this income was taxed to the owners on their individual returns at their applicable tax rates. 这是一个 赢得 个人和他们的企业.
  • The law now limits the interest expense deduction to 30 percent of the adjusted taxable income of the business. This limit will not apply to 企业 with average annual gross receipts of $25 million or less. Special rules apply to rental and farming activities. 这是一个 损失 对一些企业来说.
  • The tax law expands the rules for writing off fixed assets which are clearly a 赢得 对于企业主:
    • The expensing limit is increased to $1 million, up from $510,000 in 2017. The definition of eligible property has been expanded.
    • 除了, bonus depreciation for the first year of the asset is increased from 50 to 100 percent and applies to both new and used assets purchased and placed in service after Sept. 27, 2017. 这个百分比在12月6日之后可能会降低. 31, 2022.
    • The depreciation limits on new or used passenger vehicles have been favorably increased. 第一年8美元,000 bonus depreciation appears to be still available and is in addition to the amount for Year 1. 新的折旧限额如下:
      • 第一年:1万美元
      • 第二年:16000美元
      • 第三年:9600美元
      • 第四年及以后:5,760美元
  • The use of the cash method of accounting has been liberalized, which helps simplify the record keeping of small- and medium-sized 企业. The cash method is a little easier and does not require the keeping of inventory. 显然 赢得 适用业务.
  • 餐费和娱乐费用的扣除被削减了. 这些更改显然被添加到 损失 列!
    • 2017年旧规则
      • 办公室节日派对
        • 100%的免赔额
      • 招待客户(用餐)
        • 50%的免赔额
      • 招待客户(娱乐)
        • Event tickets, 50%的免赔额 for face value of ticket; anything above face value is non-deductible
        • Tickets to qualified charitable events are 100%的免赔额
      • 员工旅行餐食
        • 50%的免赔额
      • 为方便雇主而提供的餐食
        • 100%的免赔额 provided they are excludible from employees’ gross income as de minimis fringe benefits; otherwise, 50%的免赔额
    • 2018年新规
      • 办公室节日派对
        • 100%的免赔额
      • 招待客户(用餐)
        • 50%的免赔额
      • 招待客户(娱乐)
        • 不扣除招待费用
      • 员工旅行餐食
        • 50%的免赔额
      • 为方便雇主而提供的餐食
        • 50%免赔额(2025年后不可免赔)

Click here to view and download our Business Meal, Entertainment and Travel Deductibility Checklist.

  • The tax reform act now disallows a deduction 对雇主来说 that provide parking, vanpooling and other types of transportation fringe benefits. However, these benefits remain nontaxable to the employee. 这绝对是 损失 对雇主来说.
  • Section 1031 like-kind exchanges are now only allowed with appreciated real estate (non-dealers). 这是一个 赢得 适用于房地产业主和投资者.
  • The Domestic Production Activities Deduction has provided a tax deduction for owners of technology development, construction and manufacturing 企业 since 2004. This deduction is no longer allowed in 2018 (2019 for C corporations). 很明显,这是a 损失 对于这些实体.
  • Net Operating Losses (NOLs) generated Post 2017 are no longer able to be carried back. 在税法出台之前,返还期限为两年. When they are utilized on a carry-forward basis, they are limited to 80 percent of taxable income. 当然也有一些例外. 这是一个 损失 (没有双关语的意思)个人和企业.
  • The Chained Consumer Price Index is now the measure of inflation adjustment. This will impact items in the tax code that increase based on this index, such as tax brackets since this is a slower measure of inflation. 这是一个确定的 损失 纳税人!


This is not an exhaustive list of the business changes under the TCJA – in other words, 拿出你的记分卡! As the TCJA is reviewed and clarified over the next few months, 我们将确定更多的赢家和输家!  由于这项税法的复杂性, please consult your tax advisor to determine the direct impact on you and your business.

辛迪·库拉,注册会计师,PFS, CFP(克利夫兰办事处)

寻求更多的税收改革见解? 查看这些资源以了解更多信息. 

Federal Tax Reform and the Possible 状态 Tax Implications for your Business

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Creates a Great Opportunity to Gift Your Business

减税和就业法案:对企业的影响 & 主要材料实体