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Hip To Tech?

Nonprofit Technology | Easy Solutions | Ohio CPA Firm
From Skype to conference calls we have never had so many options when it comes to conducting business. Today, there is no longer a need to coordinate schedules in an effort to meet face-to-face in the same stuffy board room. And having the option to dial-in remotely can make serving as a trustee more attractive to potential board members. Are you incorporating these options into your meeting planning?Read on to learn more.

Can technology help you solve some of your nonprofit’s biggest challenges? Well, in many cases – yes.

Every organization is looking for ways to do more with less, and technology can help drive productivity behind the scenes. Here are a few of our favorite ways technology can help you streamline your not-for-profit’s workflow.

  1. Database management.
    How many times do you find yourself re-entering information into your organization’s databases? By either integrating systems, adjusting settings or otherwise streamlining your process for gathering information, you may be able to significantly reduce the time you spend on managing your organization’s information.
  2. Communication.
    As most organizations are looking for ways to reduce printing and postage costs to communicate with members, volunteers and donors, the advent of social media platforms offer an inexpensive and effective way to provide more frequent communication with audiences essential to your organization. While these resources are oftentimes free, utilizing social media will require an investment of time. That being said, it’s definitely time well spent as an hour or so of social media engagement can go a long way in establishing the feeling of community that your organization needs to be successful.
  3. Governance.
    From Skype to conference calls to e-mail voting, governing bodies have never had so many options when it comes to conducting business. Today, there is no longer a need to coordinate schedules in an effort to meet face-to-face in the same stuffy board room. And having the option to dial-in remotely can make serving as a trustee more attractive to potential board members. Many states, including Ohio, allow electoral votes to be submitted via electronic methods as long as they are ratified later in a face-to-face meeting. Are you incorporating these options into your meeting planning? If not, you may want to start considering this option.
  4. Feedback.
    Today’s technology also offers free or inexpensive ways to obtain feedback from your members, volunteers and prospects. Through social media channels or online surveys, you can determine how your organization is relevant to your members or donors – and determine what value proposition you can offer prospects that will resonate on your next member or fundraising drive.

While the uses for technology we’ve described do require research and time to learn their capabilities, the time you and your staff invest in them can pay off dividends through improved communication and greater efficiency.

By Mark Beebe, CPA (Zanesville office)