Exit Planning Options For Older Business Owners | Succession Plan | 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件

Exit Planning Options Every Business Owner Over 50 Should Know

This article is part of our Small Business Corner series, which is designed to address challenges and considerations regularly faced by owners of small- to mid-sized businesses. Check out past Small Business Corner articles at fxy.czeacn.com/small-business-corner.


Exiting your business will be one of the most emotionally difficult things you’ll ever do. But one of the best things we can do for you and your business is to ditch the cookie-cutter exit plans and design an option that addresses your unique goals and objectives. 这就是期权计划. 这是一个设计你退出的机会. 不管你打算怎么离开, an exit planning advisor can help you understand your options – and which ones will hurt the least.

Transfer Your Company To Key Employees Or Management

One of the most common and least risky exit paths, this strategy helps you maintain control and add to the value and growth of the company until all sale proceeds are received.

Internal buyers are usually more likely to stay true to the legacy you worked so hard to build, so transferring your business to key employees could help keep your legacy, 文化, 好处, 员工完好无损.

This type of sale typically yields more income over the course of a multi-year period, which gives you time to phase-out of the business and prepare for retirement. It can also minimize your income tax consequences.

Internal buyers are usually more likely to stay true to the legacy you worked so hard to build, so transferring your business to key employees could help keep your legacy, 文化, 好处, 员工完好无损.


Want to provide for your heirs and preserve your legacy? 你可以考虑卖给家人. Grooming a family member as your successor can result in a smooth transition that can be completed over time. 然而, this exit plan could create some family conflict as you assess who is in charge or who is qualified to lead. You might also have to restructure the business to ensure the transfer 好处 from the transition.

As with most succession strategies, one of your goals will be to minimize taxes upon death. 这个选项可以帮助您完成这个任务.


Maybe you’d rather just put your business up for sale. A successful business shouldn’t be on the market for long and, 最后, your assets and goodwill can be considered when valuing the business to help maximize your return. If your business is only marginally profitable, on the other hand, it can be more difficult to sell.

不幸的是, you might discover that your business is worth less than what you thought. 当这种情况发生时,计划必须改变. 然而, if you plan your exit ahead of time, you can actually add value to your business.

记住这一点, 一旦你卖掉并离开, the new owner can do whatever they want with the business. This can be particularly tough if you have trouble letting go.


These complex plans can be attractive because of their minimized tax consequences and the protection of employees. 然而, financial issues can arise if you’re not careful. 例如, you might have to accept a promissory note for part of the purchase price. Or maybe you’ll have to guarantee bank financing to buy stock.

An ESOP also depends on management to continue the company’s success. If the company doesn’t produce the necessary cash flow to pay off any debt owed to you as the former owner, 你的财务安全受到威胁.

税收, 如果结构合理, 员工持股计划可能是有利的, but they also come under much IRS and DOL scrutiny. 认证出口计划顾问(CEPA)
will work with you to minimize or eliminate ESOP challenges and help you achieve your goals, 但整个过程可能需要数年时间.

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意图dy to close up shop and sell off your assets? 考虑清算. 清算 is great if you don’t have a buyer lined up,
and you’re looking for a relatively quick solution. This option brings the lowest return on investment and creditors to have first claim on any funds generated from the sale. 然而, one option might be to extract business profits overtime before selling the business. 不幸的是,
this method could also reduce the eventual sale value of the business. 和, 因为工资按个人收入征税, there will be capital gains to contend with when the business is finally sold.


尽管这不是最好的选择, you do have the option to have no plan at all and essentially work until you no longer can. 如果你选择"无退出计划, 这可能是因为你不是真的, 真正享受你的工作, or the company has no transferrable value and will fail without you; or you simply need that steady income. Even so, there are some tax advantages to be found. 例如, your estate will enjoy a step-up in basis when ownership transfers and estate taxes might no longer be a concern. 另外, if you want to keep your business in the family, you can transfer ownership of the business at death to whomever you wish and avoid capital gains taxes. 对于这条路线来说,良好的遗产规划是必须的.

The best exit strategy for you is one that best fits your business and personal goals. We have a team of CEPAs to help you pick the option that best suits you. Whichever exit strategy you choose, don’t put off getting started. Planning in advance gives you the time to do it right –
最大化你的回报. 接触的意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件’ valuation and transaction advisory services team 讨论你的选择.

By Paul Weisinger, CPA/ABV, CVA, CEPA 克利夫兰(办公室)

Want to learn more about putting an exit strategy in place? 看看这些资源:

播客: 如何成功退出你的企业

播客: 状态 & 损害商业价值的地方税收意外

播客: 如何出售你的企业为顶级美元