National Philanthropy Day | Company Culture | Ohio CPA | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

episode 107: national philanthropy day: how a culture of giving impacts your business

Every year, on National Philanthropy Day – November 15 – people, organizations, and businesses come together to reflect on the great contributions being done to improve our communities.

On this episode of unsuitable, we will lend our voices to the chorus. Not only that, but we will be talking to Maribeth Wright, a principal on Rea’s not-for-profit team, about what happens when giving back becomes a focal point of a company’s culture.

Employees want to work for businesses that give back!  In fact, 74 percent of employees consider their jobs to be more fulfilling when they can impact social and environmental issues while at work, and 70 percent of employees say they are more likely to be loyal to an employer that helps them give back and get involved – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

If you want to create a positive impact and strengthen your business, you will be interested in these other topics discussed in this episode:

  • Why supporting local nonprofits (either financially or by encouraging employees to volunteer time) is a great reflection of a company’s brand.
  • How you can encourage giving and make a positive impact on your community, without writing a check.
  • How encouraging employees to get out there and volunteer can result in free marketing and positive public relations.

If you liked this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio, let us know by hitting the like button or by sharing it with your followers on social media. You can also use #ReaRadio to join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter, and you can watch the podcast in action on the Rea & Associates YouTube channel. We’ve also included access to additional resources on our website at


more resources for businesses

Paying It Forward Pays – A community involvement strategy helps more than just the beneficiary of your good deed – it helps your employees feel more fulfilled as well. Read on to learn more.

Businesses Thrive When Employees Thrive – Do you know what motivates your employees to succeed? Read on to learn how to create a positive work environment in your own business.

Is Unlimited PTO Right For Your Business? – One relatively new and buzzworthy tactic some businesses and organizations have pursued over the last several years is the adoption of an unlimited paid time off (PTO) policy – and for good reason. Read on to learn more.

More resources for nonprofits

Receive Full Credit For Your Form 990 Answers – When it comes to your Form 990, unless you completely understand what is being asked and why, you may be providing answers that, while accurate, are not necessarily correct. Read on to learn more.

Millennial Donors Rising? – What might the population growth of the millennial generation mean to nonprofit organizations? Keep reading to find out.

Your Nonprofit Is Their Next Target – Cybercrime and data hacks have become commonplace in today’s world of business and every organization, even your nonprofit, is vulnerable. Read on to learn more.

official transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 107, “national philanthropy day: how a culture of giving impacts your business.”